
Tips and tricks: the garden diary

Throughout the year, find each month in THE ECHO OF ASPRESour tips and tricksfor maintain and equip your green spaces : gardens, terraces or balconies! For your vegetable garden, your plants (indoor or outdoor), your beds, your trees or shrubs, your pond or your lawn, your ornamental plants or your potted plants, each month find all our advice and tips here ! Prune, sow, plant, spray, take cuttings, clean, harvest... there is always activity in the garden!

Advice for a region with a Mediterranean climate

Our advice is given for information only and corresponds more particularly to planted areas located in the Alpes Maritimes. Indeed the climate of our department is of the Mediterranean type, with for main characteristics, hot summers and sweet winter (rarely below 5°C and with an average of 14°C during the day). Our department is also one of sunniest departments of France. The first rays of sunshine rock the Côte d'Azur from January / February, suggesting an early spring punctuated by the appearance of the first mimosas in February and then the flowering of the Judas trees (silicastar grain). Summer is often very hot with temperatures above 30° C for several weeks ... with rare rains. Finally, autumn offers the off season (September - October) beautiful days (sometimes until the end of October) with average temperatures around 25°C during the day. From mid October and especially in November and December the rains (sometimes heavy) are frequent. Naturally the advice presented here cannot engage the responsibility of the Nursery Aspres de Grasse because they vary according to the real climate of the moment, the exposure of your plants, your altitude, the nature of your soil, the type of maintenance provided, the origin of your plants and a multitude of other criteria!

To discover our advice, click on the MONTH that interests you and let yourself be guided!
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Spring garden schedule

Garden calendar in summer

Garden calendar in autumn

Winter garden calendar

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